Solo. But not alone.

Every time I say or, in this case write, that I am back in Lublin, I immediately sing the Aerosmith lyrics in my head, “I’m back in the saddle again, I’m back!...”

And, so, there you have it!  This lover of classic rock music is back in Lublin, Poland, and I am excited to be here to continue the work we started in April. 

Already, I have had a successful transfer of much-needed tactical aid (packs, gloves, and uniform pants), brought with me from the States on Sunday and by last night was bound for Ukraine.  Tomorrow, I will meet up with the familiar faces of new friends, Pastor Igor Buben, and Jaroslaw and Natasha Lukasik, all of whom were instrumental during our time here in before.  I can hardly wait!

I must confess though, as excited as I was to be coming back, it was not without a little pause and a deep breath, because I am here by myself. 

The reality of being thousands of miles away from home, in a country whose language doesn’t exactly roll off of this Southern gal’s tongue, can be a little daunting. But long before I ever left the mountains of Northeast Georgia, I realized something vital.

I may be by myself – solo – but I am not alone. 

To quote what my sweet Grandma King said to me before I left in April, “I may not be able to go with you in person, but I am going with you in prayer.”

And, y’all! Lemme’ tell ya’ - I feel the prayers said for me and for the work our team is doing!  I am encouraged by all the warm wishes, happy thoughts, and texts received. And, of course, I am comforted in the familiarity of returning to a place where I have recently been. 

But.  Greater than all of that - I know I am not alone, because the Lord is with me. 

Ever present.  Always near.

A few weeks ago, during my early morning quiet time, I stumbled across a verse in Psalms that spoke right to the heart of my doubts,

“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” - Psalms 46:5

Within her. 

Within me. 

With me.

That is why I’m not alone.  His presence surrounds me.  Comforts me.  Strengthens me.  And helps me sing out LOUD this time, “I’m back in the saddle again…I’m back!”

Cheers to the next month in Lublin!



A gift.


What Next?